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What is Mentoring?

Mentoring takes place between a young person (mentee) and an older more experienced person (mentor) who is acting

in a non professional helping capacity to provide support that benefits one or more areas of the mentees development.

About Mentoring:

Our Mentoring Program is comprised of a core group of volunteer mentors who will be matched with youth. Once matched, the mentor will assist the youth with building social support along with establishing personal and community connection.


How often does the Mentor meet with the youth???

> Youth will be matched with mentors according to their needs and will see their mentor 8 hours a month if not more frequently.

If any questions:

Please Contact:

Rachael Case / RHY Program Director

315 894 9917  x237

Are there any activities involved?

 Yes; The Mentors may provide community based support, involving mentor and youth doing a variety of activities including:

> sports

> games

> attending local events

< educational mentoring/tutoring

> career exploration/support

> employment assistance

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